“Newspaper FlipBook Plugin for WordPress (in jQuery)” Documentation by “flashmaniac”

Newspaper FlipBook Plugin for WordPress (in jQuery)

Created: 18/05/2015
By: flashmaniac
WebSite: www.flashmaniac.net

Thank you for purchasing my flipbook. If you have any questions that are beyond the scope of this help file, please feel free to email via my user page contact form here. Thanks so much!

Table of Contents

  1. Installation
  2. Create Book
  3. Configuration Book
  4. Add Page - single
  5. Add Page - from PDF file
  6. Add Page - multiple images
  7. Live Reading PDF
  8. Deep linking
  9. WYSIWYG Editor
  10. Redirection for text and images
  11. How do add a Flipbook in my theme?
  12. Sources and Credits

A) Installation - top

You do not need to install additional paid libraries. Just install the "newspaper_flipbook.zip" plugin - that's all.

If you do not know how to install the WordPress plugin - it can be helpful for you - click

B) Create Book - top

Select "Newspaper Book / Books" and fill the details as below. Press "Add New Book".

After creating a book can do duplicate book:

C) Configuration Book - top

Select "Newspaper Book / Books" and choose book ( as the screen below )

Now you can change many settings:

D) Add Page - single - top

Select "Newspaper Book / Add New Page"
Now you can add a picture as a page.You can also add text.
When you add a photo or typing text - press "Publish" button.
You can change the order of pages. Press the "All Pages" in menu and move the page up or down (drag and drop)

E) Add Page - from PDF file - top

First you need to create a Book (instructions here)

Then select "Newspaper Book / Books" and choose your book. Press the tab "Add pages quickly". There, in the "Source Pdf" paste the link to pdf file and press the "Generate Book".

F) Add Page - multiple images - top

First you need to create a Book (instructions here)

Then select "Newspaper Book / Books" and choose your book. Press the tab "Add pages quickly". There press the button "Select Images" and choose there pictures.

G) Live Reading PDF - top

FlipBook can read pdf file live (without converting pdf to jpg). See Tab "General" and select the checkbox "Live Reading PDF ". Press the button "Browse" and choose it pdf file. Additionally, you can set the scale ("Scale PDF"). At the end, press the "Update" button at the bottom.

H) Deep Linking - top

DeepLinking appears at the end of the address in browser. See screen below:

Deep linking is required.You need to enter it with every page in the admin panel. See screen below:

Example: If you write for page 2 "title-page2" and for the page 3 "title-page3" - when will flip book on page 2-3 shows "title-page2-title-page3" (the titles are combined separator "-"). The separator can be changed in the admin panel - tab "Translate".
NOTE: If you enter for the page2 and page3 the same value - then is shown in only one title (titles will NOT be connected

I) WYSIWYG Editor - top

The editor has support for tags:

If you need unusual place text and images - do recommend that page as a picture.

J) Redirect for text and images - top

Redirect to anotcher page in FlipBook:

Redirect to youtube:

Redirect to anotcher website:

K) How do add a Flipbook in my theme? - top

The first method - template ( recommended )

Go to "Pages" and create a new page "Add New". Then choose it template "Newspaper FlipBook". Then choose it below METABOX FlipBook category.
You can select multiple books, if you want to select more books use the key "Ctrl" on your keyboard.

The second method - shortcode

Go to "Pages" and create a new page "Add New". Now copy and paste this code into the WYSIWYG editor:

[newspaper cat='book']

cat - category flipbook ( slug name for flipbook )

You can also use more books:
[newspaper cat='book,book2,book3']

You can also add Flipbook to post or any custom post. You need to add shortcode in the editor wysiwyg ( you can not add shortcode to type field Excerpt ). FlipBook can not appear in Excerpt in the list of posts or custom posts ( therefore is required field Excerpt - there you enter the text entry manually without flipbook shortcode )

NOTE: FlipBook can only be used once per page post or custom post. If you want to use the second Flipbook - you have to do it in another page / post / custom post.

The third method - lightbox

Go to "Pages" and create a new page "Add New". Now, add a link to the text or photo into the WYSIWYG editor.

book1,book2,book3 - category flipbook ( slug name for flipbook )

If you need to showed lightbox automatically, use this code:

load_book_lightbox('book1',true) ( differs only additional attribute "true" )

The third parameter are additional attributes that you can enter if you want.You can give a link to your pdf file directly. load_book_lightbox('book',false,'{"pdf_type":"js","pdfjs_source":"file.pdf"}')

NOTE: If you want to have a semi-transparent background you can do in the settings Book ( 'General' tab and the title 'Background' and field 'opacity')

L) Sources and Credits - top

  1. jQuery
  2. jQuery Address Plugin
  3. Eric Meyer’s reset.css
  4. HTML5 JS Google
  5. Selectivizr
  6. Emmanuel Garcia Turn JS
  7. jQuery FullScreen Plugin
  8. Simple Page Ordering
  9. PDF.js
  10. Indesign Magazine Template
  11. 30+ Page Proposal Template - w/ Contract & Invoice
  12. 3WHY NOT Magazine 2 sizes
  13. elemisfreebies.com/textures/

Once again, thank you so much for purchasing this theme. As I said at the beginning, I'd be glad to help you if you have any questions relating to this theme. No guarantees, but I'll do my best to assist. If you have a more general question relating to the themes on ThemeForest, you might consider visiting the forums and asking your question in the "Item Discussion" section.


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